Wow! Last night was so much fun (hence the late post)!
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Podcast Recaps from Aug 6
And here’s a new video with a quick recap of 3 podcasts I listened to yesterday.
Podcasts Recapped:
The drama Club – April 2018 episode about Monica Lewinsky and July 2018 episode about Conan O’Brien and duchess of York Fergie. interesting stuff!
The morning toast Podcast – Today’s episode about hot topics including the E! news announcement that the show will be completely cancelled (the times have been switched up a bit lately, but now it’s over).
Juicy scoop with Heather McDonald – interview with Captain Sandy from below Deck Mediterranean
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0 seconds of 7 minutes, 26 seconds
5 minute Run warm Up A
Yesterday I attended the Refuel got chocolate milk press conference to unveil their new “My After” ad campaign. They revealed the new athletes, print ads and we got a sneak peak of the web clips.
The new Refuel athletes include: Ricky Berens (swimmer), Chloe Sutton (swimmer), Apollo Ono (speed skater), and Sarah Reinersten (triathlete)
The big reveal!
The most surprising thing about this campaign is that they didn’t ask me, a 3:59 marathoner and clumsy bike rider, to be in it the lack of milk mustaches! This is the first milk campaign with a clean upper lip.
I also think these new ads are kinda sexy, right?
You can thank Chloe Sutton for that – she’s the Olympic swimmer from California (and trains in Orange County!). Oh, and she’s totally gorgeous and sweet.
E! news was there to interview Apolo Anton Ono. during the awards show they showed a clip of him on TV – he’s super funny.
Random apple. random blog.
After the press conference skinny Runner and I headed to Janae’s hotel room for a quick wardrobe change.
Between vegas and the natural products expo I didn’t end up having time to get a new dress (or brush my hair). luckily it was dark and no one knew I don’t keep it classy.
We took some pictures walking into the gala.
The event was at Club Nokia in Los Angeles.
It was crazy to be surrounded by the best athletes in the country! We had just got there and spotted Abdi Abdirahman next to us. SR, Janae and I asked him 290 questions about running, eating, how much he weighs (that was SR) and everything else we could think of! I asked him to give me some fast running magic and he threw some fastness on my head. tack.
Janae was the Refuel correspondent and interviewed the athletes on the red carpet.
Finally it was time to head inside for the Endurance live Awards.
The dinner included salad, salmon and steak and strawberry shortcake
Of course the tables had chocolate milk
I made a few new blogger and OC resident friends!
Me, skinny Runner, Kelly (from According to Kelly), The Cupcake Activist, Billy and Janae
The awards started with formally showcasing the new Refuel athletes and ads. There is also a series of video clips showing how the athletes train. It’s beyond inspiring.
Some of the athletes who received awards included:
Male Runner of the Year: Lukas Verzbicas, who ran a sub-4 minute mile at the 2011 Adidas Grand Prix
Jennie Simpson – female Runner of the Year
Anyone else think she looks like Aron from Runner’s Rambles?
Athlete of the Year: Apolo Ohno
Best swag Bag award goes to: the box of Peanut Butter Gu!!!! Died.
“I’d like to accept this Gu on behalf of athletes everywhere with an inappropriate, but passionate love for all things peanut butter and endurance sports. combining the two is a match made in heaven Kona…”
Female Triathlete of the Year: Chrissie Wellington
Watching the clip of her IronwoMan win has completely inspired me to do a triathalon. Ah! I’m super pumped!!
After the party it’s the after party… or more specifically, the My After party with chocolate milk and cookies
The specialty drink of the night was a chocolate Milk martini. I’m not sure if this is the best way to refuel, but it definitely was delicious! Janae stuck with straight up chocolate milk of course.
Now I’ve gotta go find a tri to do…
*I can’t find the clips for Dara Torres’ web clips, but they are amazing! I will share them when I get ‘em!!
See ya in a bit!
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